How can food be the bridge to understanding different cultures and communities?

Join us for a lively discussion at The Seven Bridges cafe at Dance City, about how food can bring people together and help them understand different cultures. The panel includes Newcastle Creates Director, Loujane Alasi, Andy from Big River Bakery and representatives from The Seven Bridges cafe.

Event details

Thursday 21 March
The Seven Bridges Cafe, Dance City
Temple Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4BR
Free, booking essential

Link: Dance City access information


This event is open to Members, friends and anyone that wishes to come along and join the conversation.

Membership of Newcastle Creates is FREE and is open to anyone over the age of 16 who has an interest in the culture of the city and wants to have a say in how it develops in the future.

Link: Find out how to become a Member.




Event schedule

Timings are approximate and subject to change.

5pm – Networking

Enjoy hot & cold refreshments, including some nibbles from The Seven Bridges kitchen

5.15pm – Welcome & housekeeping

5.20pm – Panel discussion

The panel will discuss how food can be a bridge to understanding different cultures and communities. You’ll hear about the partnership between The Seven Bridges cafe and West End Refugee Service, and Andy from Big River Bakery will talk about how the company has helped the Stottie make a comeback.

6pm – Updates from Newcastle Creates

An update for Newcastle Creates members on what the organisation has been up to, and what it has planned for the near future.

6.30pm – Ends