Ben Dickenson

Board Director at Newcastle Creates

Ben Dickenson (he/him) has a lifelong passion for culture and social change. He trained in theatre arts at Rose Bruford College, received a Masters in Film & Television from Westminster University, and studied for a PhD at Goldsmiths College.  Over a 28-year creative career he has written and directed repeatedly for the stage, published two critically acclaimed books, edited film journals, lectured in cinema at several universities, delivered numerous independent and community arts projects, and produced the North East’s number one rated breakfast radio show.


Between 2017 and 2021 he worked with NewcastleGateshead Cultural Venues as Executive Producer of City of Dreams, which was a case study for the Cultural Cities Enquiry, Durham Commission on Creativity in Education, and the Bristol University Press book Hope Under Neo-Liberal Austerity. He continues to support and advise grass roots arts organisations, including the newly founded Boho (School of Improv). He has worked with Alphabetti Theatre since 2013, initially as Literary Manager and latterly as Associate Producer.


Alongside creative work, Ben has held senior leadership positions in the housing, homelessness and youth sectors, with Homeless Link, Home Group and The Children’s Society among others. He was the vice-chair of Newcastle Voluntary Youth Sector Forum, and has won Young People Now and National Council for Voluntary Youth Services awards as well as a special commendation from the Race Equality Council.

Ben is currently Chief Executive Officer at Theatre Hullabaloo, a pioneering organisation that makes, tours & promotes theatre for young audiences, aged 0 – 16 years old.